This would had been cooler if it was made during the time period when the popularity of the "Sanic" meme was at its peak
This would had been cooler if it was made during the time period when the popularity of the "Sanic" meme was at its peak
Tia tranquila y chill de las chichis
Looks like that Wario and Waluigi got their very own gun license!
Rico en calcio, fósforo, magnesio, cobre y potasio, taninos, ácidos oleico, palmítico, glutamínico, cafeico, linoleico, aspártico, ácido fólico y ascórbico
Is it meant to be for streaming services or for cinemas? I want to watch it
I want to see this in a museum.
Is the "coin" icon next to the "GK" text meant to say that the assets are paid?
Nope, it's just part of the game logo. Earning in-game-currency is how the player progresses and builds their dungeon! I can see how there are other implications now haha
Fumando hierba
"poop weapon mod for worms 3d"
don't mind me, I'm farming experience points
viviras viviras mi tolima
Joined on 6/16/24