Was the shape of the hands intentional?
Was the shape of the hands intentional?
Yeah. Many other people depicted his hands as fuzzy-looking.
He's melting
NOOOO! MY BOY IS MELTING! Jokes aside, thanks for the funny and original comment!
Me hace recordar al anuncio ese del Sonic que dice "Who's blue and pisses over everything?"
Perdon es que me mie /j
Looks like that Wario and Waluigi got their very own gun license!
Rico en calcio, fósforo, magnesio, cobre y potasio, taninos, ácidos oleico, palmítico, glutamínico, cafeico, linoleico, aspártico, ácido fólico y ascórbico
Is the "coin" icon next to the "GK" text meant to say that the assets are paid?
Nope, it's just part of the game logo. Earning in-game-currency is how the player progresses and builds their dungeon! I can see how there are other implications now haha
Yes! :)
"don't worry, he doesn't bite-oh wait, nevermind"
I should've put a jingle bell on his hat so you can hear it ringing while he rips your arm off
Raise up the age rating, please... (because of nudity)
Okay did it, thank you for telling me
Yeah, pretty much
don't mind me, I'm farming experience points
2 feet underground
Joined on 6/16/24