
51 Game Reviews

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apparently cherp is referred as a male yet he uses armor meant for females (jk)

why are the controls so unresponsive...

AbortedKitten responds:

idk all my games have awful controls, so wutvr people are gonna play it for like
5 seconds so who cares rly?

It finally loaded this time

However, there is one problem: aren't you supposed to navigate through menus using the "START" and the two action buttons?

can you please fix the dog and options still appearing after the rabid dog fight? also thanks for your opinion on my heavengrape pixel art project on scrotch

Does the nuke button intentionally remove everything from the GUI or not

TristoneThePerson responds:

Yea lol

Add a retry button for when you fail

evilgrandpa responds:


Can you please add points for the medals? Also, I would like to see the "Granny Smith Apple Catch" project being published on the Scratch website so I can spice it up a little bit

(also fix a bug where in some levels where the hole is required, you suddenly get sent to the top of the level, thus breaking the game)

TweetytheBird92 responds:

1. There are points for the medals but I'm assuming since I haven't tested them, there's no value for them. I don't know how to test medals.
2. I'm not entirely sure if I still have Granny Smith Apple Catch's Scratch project. It's probably in my Trash where most of my cancelled or worthless projects go.
3. I haven't encountered the bug you mentioned, although I did have a similar one in the second part of Merlin's stage. I managed to fix that one but have no recollection of the one you mentioned. Besides, the core engine was made around 3 months ago, and I can't remember clearly from that time frame.

(Bugs like that is why I removed the hole thing early in the development of the sequel. I'm planning on replacing the hole with melee attacks - like punching and kicking.)

EDIT: So it turns out that the medals HAVE been tested but I have no idea how they have 0 points.

First level is too easy for me. But at least the game has great visuals!

Also, fix a bug where upon dying on the God boss fight, the game over screen doesn't appear, thus breaking the game

don't mind me, I'm farming experience points

balls (male)

destroyer of worlds

of rock

viviras viviras mi tolima

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