The blue one looks so unhappy...
The blue one looks so unhappy...
Nicolás Maduro debería MADURAR también
Misleading thumbnail, but decent animation.
(also imagine tony's reaction to pizza with pineapple, but except it also has anchovies, olives and "platanitos" on it...)
Is there any other flavors
Vacarest also comes in Nightshade, Drain Cleaner, Rattlesnake Venom, and we also have an option where the pill is just filled with broken glass :) use offer code UNALIVE to get 10% off at checkout!
Wasn't expecting you to be frontpaged
Also isn't the word "damn" supposed to be a swear word?
yes, yes it is
Disculpame por la reseña mala, pero no recuerdo en donde quedaba la estatua original
no hay problema, se entiende.
don't mind me, I'm farming experience points
2 feet underground
Joined on 6/16/24