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Thank god that they didn't suffer through many of the newer "Grounded" videos which are infamous for heavy amounts of child a(NO!!!)e and other sickening stuff

I almost thought that one of the background cats were giving out the middle finger!!

Where's the Glock seen on the thumbnail

gribblecharacter responds:

uh bill ate it

I am not meant to bash opinions but I hate how people enjoy this absolute sexism fest of a show where the creators wanted it to be "meant for kids" when in reality it has numerous scenes where it shows stuff no appropriate for younger audiences.

Dan-Sans responds:

Not all opinions are a cup of tea as much as all ideas are not clever, especially when trying to convince an audience that it is for everyone.. when it's obviously not.

Honestly, I do think that this show aims at the "dumb" young adults (like myself, age 23) who takes the joys of borderline offensive content, doesn't mind the show's irrational nature and have their minds absolutely suffered from brainrot before taking start life seriously. Plus, I like the visual aesthetics that it provides, overly sexualized or not.

You can blame Li Speaks for bringing it up to the public consciousness... and the people that came up with AND directed the show.. Hopefully, the show's growing fandom can come up with their own interpretations that can be miles better than the show itself..

why does coach's gun look more like a cordless drill

AnthonyToons responds:

Because I suck at drawing, It's supposed to be a silenced smg, also that's Luis, thanks for the stars!

Can you please raise up the age rating a little bit? It's because of the scene where the lizard guy urinates

can someone describe what the skeleton guy said at 03:10? thanks

so it reveals that grunt heads are actually like eggs

I wonder why the peashooters are pissed at you

RedTariq responds:

Good question

don't mind me, I'm farming experience points

balls (male)

destroyer of worlds

of rock

viviras viviras mi tolima

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